NC State Parks System
View videos from a NC State Park:
Orange Dog caterpillar displaying defensive behavior - everting its osmeterium. This caterpillar will turn into a Giant Swallowtail butterfly.
NERIPapilio cresphontesEastern Giant SwallowtailINSECT  video linkD. Blatny2011-09-02
Big Brown Bats resting after an evening feeding flight. They do not stay at this location all night. While trying to record them in flight and record their echolocation sounds, I noticed I could hear clicking noises every time I walked by this same location. I could hear and record the sounds using a "bat detector". It converts the echolocation sounds emitted by the bats to an audio frequency that humans can hear. Really great educational "wow" device. Since they were using echolocation and not audible screeches directed my way, I figured they were trying to figure out what and where I was as much as I was them.
NERIEptesicus fuscusBig Brown BatMAMMAL  video linkDoug Blatny2012-01-30
A moment of Serenity on the New River
NERI  video linkDoug Blatny2012-01-
Fern Nature Trail Hike (22:00 Min.)New River State Park, Wagoner Access. Presented by Ranger Paul Bailey. Identifying local Ferns of New River and Basic Fern Life cycle information.
NERI  video linkDoug Blatny, Jackie Nelson2011-07-01
Voice overs by Paul Bailey, Jeff Matheson and Crystal Dillard.
Historic and Cultural overview of the New River while taking a virtual canoe trip down the New. Includes outdoor activities and threats facing the future of the New. Enjoy
NERI  video link2012-02-
Eastern Snapping turtle seen in the New River. The reason why no one "noodles" for catfish in the New River.
NERIChelydra serpentina serpentina  video linkDoug Blatny2012-02-
Thank you to the dedicated staff of Mount Jefferson State Natural Area and New River State Park.
Interpretation and Education is Paramount to our future success of our Mission.
NERI  video linkJoe Shimel2012-03-
Rattle Snake Fern by Paul Bailey
NERIBotrypus virginianusRattlesnake Fern, Sang-findVASCULAR PLANT  video linkDoug Blatny2012-05-
Ranger Tracy Minton encourages Folks to "Don't Pollute" during an Earth Day Sing-A-Long
NERI  video linkDoug Blatny2012-05-
Historic Events of the New River. Natural History of the New River Area and Southern Appalachians.
NERI  video linkNC Div. Parks and Rec2012-05-19
Snot Otter Survey
NERICryptobranchus alleganiensisEastern HellbenderAMPHIBIAN  video linkDoug Blatny2012-07-11
Ranger Paul Bailey conducting a Fern Nature Hike at Wagoner Access of New River State Park
NERI  video linkDougBaltny2013-09-20
These kids are now NC State Park Junior Rangers! This was the final program of the My Side of the Mountain Series conducted through a partnership between New River State Park and Blue Ridge Elementary School.
NERI  video linkTonya Denny Ashe Schools2019-12-16